Friday 19 May 2017


Assembly Activities to improve spoken English 
    Aim:Creating good atmosphere to improve speaking English 
Objective :1)Motivate the students to speaks English in school .
                 2)Stimulate students interest in speaking English 
                3)Encourage students leadership quality and make them fearless.
Activities :1)Broadcasting English prayer or songs.
                  2)Telling funny stories or jokes .
                 3)Telling spelling antaakshari.
                4)Describing previous days lectures taught by teachers .
            .   5)News reading
                 6)Faculty speech
                7)Choral speaking
                 8)Vocabulary games 
                 9)Quote of the day
                 10)Special days celebration speech 
                  11)Gk question answering
Outcomes :1)students get platform to express themselves 
2)Students get fearless and familiar with using English

                      Harsha V.Chavan

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