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An old lady
handed her bank card to a bank teller and said, “I would like to withdraw
The female
teller told her, “For withdrawals less than ₹5,000, please use the ATM”.
The old lady
then asked, “Why?” The teller irritably told her, “These are rules. Please
leave if there is no other matter. There is a queue behind you.” She then
returned the card to the old lady.
The old lady
remained silent. But she returned the card to the teller and said, “Please help
me withdraw all the money I have.”
The teller was
astonished when she checked the account balance. She nodded her head, leaned
down and said to the old lady, “My apologies Granny, you have ₹ 350 crores in
your account and our bank does not have so much cash currently. Could you make
an appointment and come again tomorrow?"
The old lady
then asked, “How much am I able to withdraw now?”
The teller told
her, “Any amount up to ₹3,00,000.”
The old lady
then told the teller that she wanted to withdraw ₹3,00,000 from her account.
The teller did so quickly and handed it to the old lady respectfully. The old
lady kept ₹500 in her bag and asked the teller to deposit the balance of
₹2,99,500 back into her account. The teller was dumbfounded.
The moral of
this story is that rules are inflexible but we humans can be flexible when the
situation requires us to be. We should not treat people based on their looks or
how they are dressed. Rather, we should treat everyone with respect. And ...
never be too quick to judge a book by its cover

There was a
bird who lived in the desert, very sick, no feathers, nothing to eat and drink,
no shelter to live and kept on cursing his life day and night.
One day an
Angel was crossing from that desert, bird stopped the Angel and inquired "
where are you going?" Angel replied " I am going to meet
So bird asked
angel ' please ask God when my suffering will come to an end?' Angel said
" sure, I will and bid a good bye to bird. Angel reached God's place and
shared the message of bird to Him.
told Him how pathetic the condition of bird is and inquired when the suffering
of the bird will end? God replied ' for the next seven life times the bird has to
suffer like this, no happiness till then'.
Angel said when
bird will hear this he will get disheartened could You suggest any solution for
God replied
tell him to recite this mantra ' Thank you God for everything'. Angel met the
bird again and delivered the message of God to the bird.
After seven
days the Angel was passing again from the same path and saw that bird was so
happy, feathers grew up on his body, a small plant grew up in the desert area,
a small pond of water was also there, the bird was singing and dancing
cheerfully. Angel was astonished how it happened, God told for seven life times
there is no happiness for the bird for next seven life times, with this
question in mind He went to visit God.
asked his query then God replied yes it was true there was no happiness for the
bird for seven life time but because the bird was reciting the mantra' Thank
you God for everything' in every situation.
When bird
fell down on the hot sand it said thank you God for everything, when it could
not fly it said thank you God for everything, so whatever the situation may be
the bird kept on repeating Thank you God for everything and therefore the seven
life times karma got dissolved in seven days.
When I heard
this story it landed me in a different energy zone, i felt a tremendous shift
in my way of feeling, thinking, accepting and viewing life.
I adopted this
mantra in my life whatever the situation I faced I started reciting this mantra
' THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING'. It helped me to shift my view from what i did
not have to what i have in my life.
For instance if
my head used to pain i thank God rest of my body is completely fine and healthy
and i used to feel headache does not used to bother me.
In the same
manner i started using this mantra in my relationship, finance, love life,
social life, business, friends, maids, colleagues and everything with which I
can relate. I shared this story with my spouse and children too which brought a
great shift in their behaviour.
simple mantra really had a deep impact in my life, i started feeling how
blessed I am, how happy I am, how good life is.
The purpose of
sharing this message is to make all of us aware how powerful is the power of
gratitude is. It can reshape our life.
A simple
word, a simple thought, which teaches us to be grateful for everything what we
have in our life has power to dissolve the karmic baggage which we are carrying
from so many life times. Lets recite this mantra continuously to experience the
shift in our life.
I end this
article with the beautiful lines:
Be grateful,and
see the change in your attitude.
Be humble,and
you will never stumble.
Deep love and
gratitude to you for reading it.
courtesy to another group.
3] Happiness
This story is
about a beautiful, expensively dressed lady who complained to her psychiatrist
that she felt that her whole life was empty, it had no meaning.
So, the lady
went to visit a counselor to seek out happiness.
The counselor
called over the old lady who cleaned the office floors.
The counselor
then said to the rich lady "I'm going to ask Mary here to tell u how she
found happiness. All I want u to do is listen to her."
So the old lady
put down her broom and sat on a chair and told her story:
"Well, my
husband died of malaria and three months later my only son was killed by a car.
I had nobody. I had nothing left. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I never
smiled at anyone, I even thought of taking my own life.
Then one
evening a little kitten followed me home from work. Somehow I felt sorry for
that kitten. It was cold outside, so I decided to let the kitten in. I got some
milk, and the kitten licked the plate clean. Then it purred and rubbed against
my leg and, for the first time in months, I smiled.
Then I stopped
to think, if helping a little kitten could make me smile, may be doing
something for people could make me happy.
So, the next
day I baked some biscuits and took them to a neighbor who was sick in bed.
Every day I
tried to do something nice for someone. It made me so happy to see them happy.
Today, I don't
know of anybody who sleeps and eats better than I do.
I've found
happiness, by giving it to others."
When she heard
this, the rich lady cried. She had everything that money could buy, but she had
lost the things which money cannot buy.
beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are;
but on how
happy others can be because of you..."
Happiness is
not a destination, it's a journey.
Happiness is
not tomorrow, it is now.
Happiness is
not dependency, it is a decision.
Happiness is
what you are, not what you have..

There were
three ships which were nearby when the Titanic sunk.
One of them was
known as the Sampson. It was 7 miles away from the Titanic and they saw the
white flares signaling danger, but because the crew had been hunting seals
illegally and didn't want to be caught, they turned and went the opposite
direction away from the Titanic. This ship represents those of us who are so
busy in our own sin and lives that we can't recognize when someone else is in
The next ship
was the Californian. This ship was only 14 miles away from the Titanic, but
they were surrounded by ice fields and the captain looked out and saw the white
flares, but because the conditions weren't favorable and it was dark, he
decided to go back to bed and wait until morning. The crew tried to convince
themselves that nothing was happening. This ship represents those of us who say
I can't do anything now. The conditions aren't right and so we wait until
conditions are perfect before going out.
The last ship
was the Carpathia. This ship was actually headed in a southern direction 58
miles away from the Titanic when they heard the distress cries over the radio.
The captain of this ship knelt down, prayed to God for direction and then
turned the ship around and went full steam ahead through the ice fields. This
was the ship that saved the 705 survivors of the Titanic.

Obstacles and
reasons to avoid responsibility shall always be there, but those who accept it
always find a place in the hearts to be remembered for the world of good they
I really wish
that we all could be Carpathians in life, unlike more Sampsons and
Californians... this world could be a more beautiful place to live in.
5] *Password*
How a Password Changed my Life ... A true story from the
Reader’s Digest ...
I was having an average morning until I sat down in
front of my office computer .
"your password has expired”, a server message
flashed on my screen, with instructions for changing it...
In my company we have to change passwords monthly..
I was deeply depressed after my recent divorce. Disbelief
over what she had done to me was what I thought all day long .... Lot of hatred
and dissatisfaction.
I remembered a tip I’d heard from my former boss.
He’d said, “I’m going to use a password that is going to change my life”.
I couldn’t focus on getting things done in my current
mood.. My password reminded me that I shouldn’t let myself be a victim of my
recent breakup and that I was strong enough to do something about it.
I made my password – Forgive@her. I had to type this
password several times every day, each time my computer would lock. Each time I
came back from lunch I wrote forgive her.
The simple action changed the way I looked at my
ex-wife.. That constant reminder of reconciliation led me to accept the way
things happened and helped me deal with my depression..
By the time the server prompted me to change my password
following month, I felt free.
The next time I had to change my password I thought about
the next thing that I had to get done. My password became Quit@smoking4ever .
It motivated me to follow my goal and I was able to quit
One month later, my password became Save4trip@europe, and
in three months I was able to visit Europe.
Reminders helped me materialize my goals and kept me
motivated and excited.
. it's sometimes difficult to come up with your next goal
keeping at it brings great results.
After a few months my password was -
*It is indeed beautiful and today I am enjoying my life
without any hatred, dissatisfaction and guilt.*
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