Friday 19 May 2017


Activity for developing spoken English in classroom situation. *Birthday celebration Activity*  Grade  *2nd & 3rd        *Objective* :1)To develop students oral fluency & confidence in using English         2) To Engage students in  interesting activities 3) To offer opportunities to speak English. 4)To enrich their confidence level & vocabulary. 5)To motivate students to describe pictures & answer the questions confidently.                     *Resources* :Birthday party pictures, available gift items etc. *Activity* :                                                  1) proper instructions.            2)look carefully at picture           3)picture reading by student.       4)Answering the questions.      5)conversation among students. 6) Dramatization.              *Extension activity* : asking   Questions-  which is yours favorite sweet dish/Colour /clothes , flower, fruit, actor, sport etc. ?  Or mingle in classroom and ask above Questions to 10 students and say bingo.
  - - By Mrs. Usha Dherange.
Primary Teacher Kalyan.

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