Wednesday 3 July 2019

Use of technology in classroom.

Mr. Sameer Kedu Deode
PRN NO - 2017017002723052
Scenario - 1
Use of technology in classroom.
As a primary school teacher i started using laptop and projector in my classroom. Since last four years. It gives better results in my teaching... Student’s attendance gets increase. They feel happy in learning. With help of online teaching material like videos of poems and stories they get more information about textbook syllabus.
             The learning becomes joyful. Later on i conduct same activities in my class. Students easily adopt things by watching. They try same one in classroom. As a result all learners get engaged in learning. Everyone take active participation.Thats why they learn things properly. Later on started to shoot videos of different activities and stories, Language games, Poems, Action Songs in my class. With help of cellphone. Later on in my laptop with help of camtasia software i edit videos and use animation and other features. Use background music etc. Once the video become more effective and properly visible i upload these videos on my own YouTube channel. And share link with other teachers in my surrounding. Later on i get better results. Other teacher's trying same activities in tee their classroom. They use these videos as a teaching material. I received lots of comments and view to my videos. One of poem video from my class got more than one lakh hits and views.Thats really proud fling moment for me.Later on i started my own blog. Through this writing i share all activities whatever i conduct in my class and school. The use of this ICT tools i learn so many things from other teachers and my friends, Staff members.
                         Next thing is to develop English language vocabulary of students i use different techniques. One of them is flashcards and letter cards, pictures. Use of different language games. Students easily learn and recite poems and words. It helps to increase their vocabulary. It leads towards reading. Once they have proper vocabulary they can read different words and sentences. They can easily frame sentences. They can introduce himself in English. They can easily make question s and ask each other. This way leads their Better learning of English language. So many real life experiences i use to give my students.
                            Another thing I want to mention is that teacher training program. Working as master trainer in British Council i have experience of three years .I trained so many primary teachers across Maharashtra. Through this training program i also teach them use of ICT in day to day teaching in class. They easily started to use all this material and multimedia. They build their confidence. They develop their language fluency. Even though I have experience of Spoken English trainer and district Ambassador of spoken English. Through this program run by government of Maharashtra. Teachers learn lots of things regarding English language. Teacher trying best in teaching English. This was a great opportunity to me.we were selected by oral interview and written exam.Conduct by siem Aurangabad. Through this process we were learn lots of things for our professional development. Professional development is continuing process in each and every field of services.Our goal is to provide quality education to each and every child in our society. Through this child's all round development is possible. We are proud of our profession. Teaching profession is great respect in society. In this century also society gives respect to teacher. It is moral for us. Though ICT or social Media is taking place of teacher, but I would like to say that no one can take the place of teacher. Only thing is that teacher should be updated according to this changing time.

Edited by
Mr.Naik Hemant Ganpatrao        (PRN NO - 2017017002723535)

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