Wednesday 3 July 2019

Social networking qualities, positive and negetive poi Nts.

Mr. Sameer Kedu Deode
PRN NO - 2017017002723052
Scenario – 2, ACTIVITY – 1
Social networking qualities,
positive and negetive poi Nts.

Social networking qualities
1. Strong communication skills
It's no surprise that the person who is acting as a representative of the brand should have strong people skills. Google DC Community Manager Corrie Davidson said that the community manager, in many ways, is the face of a brand, and this person must be able to effectively communicate the message to the audience. "Whether it be short form or long form, you have to be able to write," she noted. "Blog posts, guest articles, emails, proposals, social content — you have to be able to craft your ideas and messages to fit any medium."
But the community manager position goes beyond the online relationship, Davidson said. "They need to be outgoing, friendly and relatable. They should be comfortable interacting with people offline as well as online; a natural networker."
2. Good judgement
In many industries, one role of a community manager is of a curator. This person must be able to parse through all the content coming out of an organization and determine what to share, how to share and when to share.
For news organizations, deciding how to engage with an audience is especially important in times of difficult news, noted NBC News Senior Community Manager Anthony Quintano. "On days where we have really upsetting news to report on, we're very careful about the kind of stories we share, and what information we put out there."
Community managers must also determine the best ways to handle feedback from the audience, and decide how to respond in an appropriate fashion, said Dave Kerpen, chairman of Likeable Media, a social media agency that employs community managers. "When people ask questions, how do you answer? I believe not answering those questions is answering those questions."
3. Empathy
To engage a community in a discussion about a brand, a community manager must know the type of people who make up the audience, said Tim McDonald, the community manager for HuffPost Live. "You're dealing with a bunch of different personalities. If you're not empathetic, you're never going to be able to to put yourself in those people's shoes, which means you won't be able to communicate a message to them."
Being able to demonstrate empathy is important, noted Kerpen, because a community manager must be able to effectively converse with the audience. This person should see the brand from the perspective of a fan or consumer, and use this point of view to guide his or her engagements with the community, he added.
4. Dedication

Unlike with other positions, there is no end of the work day for community managers. When news breaks, whether the organization you represent is on the giving or receiving end, a community manager has to be available to the audience. "When you're a community manager, you're on 24/7," said Adobe Community Manager Rachael King. "Good or bad, something huge can happen at any time, and when it does, social is the first place it hits. You are technically the face of the brand, so you have to deal with it."
Community managers have to look at their positions as a lifestyle rather than a job, Google's Davidson added. "If you want to check in at 9 a.m. and out at 5 p.m., you're in the wrong field. When you've dealt with nothing but mean-spirited comments, hundreds of emails, demanding partners and a grueling schedule of tasks — all in a 14-hour work day — you need something other than a paycheck to keep you going."
5. Organizational skills
For many community managers, the job consists of managing multiple platforms, tracking feedback and then sharing this information with their employers. This work can be overbearing, but remaining organized can help professionals stay on top of their responsibilities. "I believe that community managers have to be able to multitask, and that means staying organized," Likeable Media's Kerpen noted. "It's a very fast-paced job and there are a lot of things thrown at you at once — and you need to stay on top of it."
Davidson said that she uses multiple spreadsheets that she updates daily with data across a range of metrics for a variety of people and terms. "One wrong entry can throw off goals and spreadsheets across our whole team, affecting other teams and projects. Whether I am planning an event, managing vendors, reviewing a contract or creating content, success or failure is in the details."
6. Adaptability
Flexibility in the workplace is key for a successful community manager. The work this professional does will often extend beyond creating conversations with a brand's audience on social media networks. For many, this means carrying the responsibilities of multiple jobs.
"Adaptability is important because the community manager wears a lot of hats," Kerpen said. "On any given day, they have to be a marketer, a PR person and then a communications guy who has to react to a story."
7. Level-headed attitude
It's the Internet. There are going to be situations, often on a daily basis, when a member of the community attacks the brand. As the community manager, it is vital that your response alleviates the situation; not intensifies it.
"The problem is you've got the keys to the brand's voice," Adobe's King said. " Anything you say on behalf of the brand can and will be held against you, and can be inferred as the brand's perspective. You have to have a cool head and remember that the audience is attacking the brand, usually, not you."
8. Background in analytics

In each industry, the way a community manager handles social and site analytics may differ, but it's vital that this professional is educated about how communities are responding to engagement, and can determine what efforts are working and not working. "I hate when people say they can't measure the metrics of engagement," Google's Davidson said. "If you can't measure it, you aren't doing it right. Build tracking links, look at your website traffic, measure your reach and impressions. Have a goal and reach it."
HuffPost Live's McDonald said that he uses analytics to figure out what the community is not telling him anecdotally. "The community isn't always going to tell you what they want. They'll tell you one thing but then want another. You need to look at things to see if they're working because people aren't always going to tell you."
9. Ability to enable the community
One of the most important responsibilities of a community manager's job is not to continue to push the brand's message, but to empower the audience and give it a voice, said NBC News' Quintano. "If we're just talking about ourselves, eventually people will turn away," he noted. "The only reason we are successful is because of our audience. We want to try to reward them as much as possible."
At HuffPost Live, McDonald said the organization realized that roughly 70% of all comments on site were in response to other comments. "We wanted to turn those comments into the conversation [on HuffPost Live]," McDonald added. "We wanted to give the audience a voice on equal footing with our on-air guests."
10. Passion for the brand
In many ways, the community manager is the eyes and ears of a business or organization. But this professional also is responsible for being the voice of the company, and the audience wants to interact with someone who loves the brand as much as they do. For a community manager who just goes through the motions, he or she is not going to be successful and the company will ultimately suffer, Kerpen noted.
"Passion is really important," he said. "At the end of the day, you are the representative of that brand. You have to eat, sleep and breathe the brand."
Did we miss any other important qualities? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Images courtesy of flickr, Scott Monty, Get Satisfaction and flickr, bluefountainmedia.

positive and negetive poi Nts,

1. Social media can be used to educate young people. While talking to and advising kids and teens on a one-on-one basis is considered ideal, social media can do the same much more effectively and to a broader audience all at once. People like to use YouTube to express their opinions on various subjects. In the process, they attract millions of views and climb to the top of search engines. This leads to companies taking an interest in sponsorship and furnishing of better gear to make better videos while showcasing their product.
2. Social media can be used as a voice of reason in society. Various social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are being used by the youth to create a voice for the voiceless. On Facebook, for example, groups like “Disability is not inability” are being brought up to make society more conscious of how they treat the disabled. Most of these groups are started by young people who see the essence of treating everyone equally and social media as the perfect place to spread that message.
3. Social media has enabled more young people to be creative and innovative. Social media sites mostly depend on active participation and sharing of different content. This makes it so that young people think outside the box and come up with new content when sharing information. Not only is the content they share unique, but new applications and websites spring up every day with new ways to express creativity and individuality.
4. Social media has given teens the ability to hone different skills that are important in the real world. Young people are increasingly able to interact more freely and easily in different social environments online, much like they will later on in life in the workplace. This is a result of the endless exposure they get from being online and talking to different people, some of whom are their potential employers. Young people acquire skills that enable them evaluate and interpret different situations contextually and prepare themselves mentally for situations later on. Sites like YouTube have thousands of educational videos that give anyone the ability to sharpen and develop their various skills and talents, for example, playing the guitar, swimming and even cooking.
5. Social media gives teens skills to become more confident and independent. Engaging on social networking sites can be a new adventure for young people. It is like exploring a new place where different skills are needed. Young people learn to mold their character to be more confident and independent in order to be heard or have a positive online presence. This eventually transfers to their daily lives.
There are disadvatges to social networking. 
Disadvantages include:
-privacy & security
-cyber bullying
-TOO easily accessible (making it easy to misuse & abuse)
Privacy and security issues are two problems that are often associated with being a member of a social network. Privacy is a huge issue since most social networking sites require that the user provide personal information such as a full name, an address,  date of birth, a phone number. This information is on the internet and easy to access by everyone. Although some social networking sites do offer privacy settings so that the user can control who can view his or her information, this doesn't mean the information provided on the user's page is safe. For Example, "Adrienne Felt, a Ph.D. candidate at Berkely, made small headlines last year when she exposed a potentially devastating hole in the framework of Facebook's thirs-party application programming interface (API) which allows for easy theft of private information. Felt and her co-researchers found that third-party platform applications for Facebook gave developers access to far more information (addresses, pictures, interests, etc.) than needed to run the app" (Collins 2008). This means that if an "application developer wanted to sell the personal information of people who used his or her app to advertising companies, he or she could [do so]" (Collins 2008). So even though a user can add privacy settings to his or her page, this doesn't gaurantee privacy. You never know who is viewing your information online, whether it be employers, universities, or online predators. So it's important that you take precaution when giving out personal information and when you are creating a profile be careful of what you display on it.

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