Friday 15 September 2017

AINET International Conference 2017 Nagpur

*AINET International Conference 2017 Nagpur.

Striking Points from today's AINET Conference,Nagpur.*
It was the first day of AINET International teacher research conference ,Nagpur today. We all selected  SARPS and TAG coordinators along with *Radhika ma'am* gathered at the main hall of the G.S. College of Commerce and Economics Nagpur for the inaugural session and Opening Plenary-Dr Richard Smith- " *Teacher-Research-Why,Where and What kind(s)*?" We all are really enlightened by this session.
     After the Tea break, we had a workshop round- 1where four presentation topics were given. Myself Sameer Deode and Mr. Sandip Patil(TAG Coordinator)* decided to go for the topic- Using Action Research for Professional Development by *Clover Bolton*, who defined what the action plan is 1) It's practical issues/real world concerns. 2)Change for Improvement. 3) it's cyclical and Practitioner participation.
Action Research is *NOT* 
-Rigorous conformation to scientific protocols.
-Endless hours of library research.
-Someone telling you what is wrong with your teaching.
-You setting out to change the world.
She explained the types of Action Research
*1.Individual Action Research*
*2. Collaborative Action Research*
*3.School wide Action Research*
*4. District wide Action Research*
She mentioned action research steps which are cyclical
*Plan- Act- Analyze- Conclude*. She also noticed us about the formulating questions and *SMART* goals and Data Collection-qualitative and quantitative. Action Research is a cycle of continuous improvement and growth mindset. She  flashed some sample action research questions as well.we are really happy with this session. After lunch break we all sat for the paper presentation of different participants from different countries and at the long run we gathered in the main hall for the day's last plenary session-AARMS mentors which was interactive. then we all left for Le Meridien.
It's extremely enriching and exciting experience for me to be a part of this august event.
Today, everything jelled.
*Sameer Deode Niphad,Nashik*

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