Monday 10 April 2017




Every approach or method has it's plus or minus in teaching-learning process. So it's the skill of teacher how to meet the needs of his students. Let's see these two approaches.

*Skill-based learning provides classroom environment where specific skills are acquired with collaboration and active learning.*

*Constructivist learning theory says that Children learn best when they are allowed to construct a personal understanding based on experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences.*

*Characteristics of a constructivist classroom*

1. the learners are actively involved
2. the environment is democratic
3. the activities are interactive and student-centered
4. the teacher facilitates a process of learning in which students are encouraged to

*Some activities encouraged in constructivist classrooms*

1. Experimentation : students individually perform an experiment and then come together as a class to discuss the results.

2. Research projects : students research a topic and can present their findings to the class.

3. Field trips : Field trips would often be followed by class discussions. This allows students to put the concepts and ideas discussed in class in a real-world context . 

4. Films : These provide visual context and thus bring another sense into the learning experience.

5. Class discussions : This technique is used in all of the methods described above. It is one of the most important distinctions of constructivist teaching methods

*The constructivist Classroom*

1. Begin with the whole – expanding to parts

2. Pursuit of student questions / interests

3. Primary Sources / manipulative materials

4. Learning is interaction – building on what students already know

5. Instructor interacts / negotiates with students

6. Assessment via student works, observations, points of view, tests. 7. Process is as important as product

8. Knowledge is dynamic / change with experiences

9. Students work in groups 

*Role of teachers in constructivist Classroom*

In the constructivist classroom, *the teacher's role is to prompt and facilitate discussion.* Thus, the teacher's main *focus should be on guiding students by asking questions* that will lead them to develop their own conclusions on the subject.

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